You create your own destiny

Cliché I know but I see it more and more as my life goes on… Intention creates acceleration, focus and drive forces discipline and hard work reaps the benefits.

How do you make yourself happy? You do things that make you happy. How do you do things that make you happy? Well you just do it! Theres always going to be that risk to reward scale that balances in your head but if you want something hard enough, you will do anything to get it and almost all the time, it will work out. It’s simple. I feel like people complicate everything too much or make too many excuses and I think excuses are a cheap and quick way to make yourself settle for comfortability rather than putting yourself in a uncomfortable and unstable predicament that may or may not work out. How will you know if you don’t try though? Yeah easier said than done, of course but you wont ever know until you try. You will also never find out if it was easier than you expected or not and if its harder than that, then what a greater feeling and bigger reward you get out of it!

Sure being responsible, following order and meeting your requirements is hard work. So long as you are content with that then by all means this message isn’t for you. But why do we always tell ourselves “its too late” or “there’s already someone even younger and hungrier, working twice as hard as me” or “I missed my opportunity, what will people think if I go back on myself now” or whatever the excuse is. If you want something bad enough, you will make it happen. Its as simple as that. 

We have this life just once. This one time. What if that little voice in the back of your head telling you to do it is the sole purpose of your existence and you keep ignoring that voice because fo the distractions and the deceptions of what is right or wrong has scattered the view before you? Now im not saying quit your job, abandon your family and pack up to leave for the himalayans. Managing your responsibilities, shifting your goals, your vision and making it work now with the current time frame you’re in is all part of that hard work that will pay off. Im saying if there is something in your life that you are passionate about, then pursue it. Whatever that means to you, pursue it. It time isn’t your friend and you know now is the right moment, then make it happen. 

It doesn’t even have to be so profound as following your dream or starting your new hobby. If you want to travel – plan, save, go. If you want that body – create a routine, work hard and dedicate yourself. If you want to learn a language, read or write a book, plant your garden or practice the violin – whatever!! Be the boss of you and discipline yourself enough to follow through. Because the reward at the end will be worth it. When you can look back on yourself, see how far you’ve come, actually have a defining thought of “wow I am so proud of myself”, that will change your life and inspire others’. It’s more than happiness, it’s more than satisfaction but a sense of worth. That feeling of doing what you’re supposed to do. And its a domino affect. It all follows through. You’ll notice it. You’ll feel it. When you discipline yourself in one aspect of your life, the others get easier and easier. When you’re feeding your soul, bettering your mind and heart, you reflect that in every way and its contagious. When you start doing good, the people around you want to do good, and visa versa.

Sure it’s smart to have plan b’s. But not with the intention that it could all be a complete failure. You have to want to want it enough. It’s as simple as that. And if you know that a dream or goals coming to fruition means the world to you, then crave it more and you will make it happen. 


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