I honestly don’t know. But we do it right? Well some of us do. But what’s the point if you’re going to mess it up again? Sure that’s a great argument but what, do we not brush our teeth because we’ll eat again? Do we not wash the dishes because we’ll use them again? Oh but the bed is personal and private. It’s hidden. It’s in my room where no one else can see or judge, so why do I make the bed?
I think it just comes down to discipline. Or the thing that separates us from the animal. After all we are just high functioning, civilised mammals. Chuck us in a fancy car or clothes with phones, eating with a metal utensils but no one sees how you leave your bed in the morning or neglecting to pick up fallen crumbs when no one is looking.
I don’t want to say that making your bed and brushing your teeth means you’re an adult because there are definitely a lot of adults who don’t do it but there is a maturity and like I mentioned, a discipline in the act. Its being intentional with things that seem insignificant. Why not try and make your room look nice? Why not cut your hair and look presentable? It all seems unnecessary when you boil it down to something that at the end of the day doesn’t matter.
I think it matters. It shows character and its a satisfying start to the day.
Be disciplined. Be in control. Make your bed.
And for goodness sake, please brush your teeth for the sake of those who have to smell it.