Life is easy but I’m sad

I’ve taken a break from what’s on everyones minds…

I don’t know what to feel anymore

It was empathy

Every post is negative

Every person is emotional

When they’re angry, they’re unforgiving

When they’re hopeful, they’re still depressed

Underneath it all, everyone wants to connect and feel some sense of companionship

But by doing so, they somehow exile the ones they care about

Since when did we all have to agree on the same thing?

My own mother and I don’t see eye to eye on most things, does this mean I abandon my relationship with her?

What happened to civil debate? Agree to disagree?

And why does it matter? Why MUST we be right. Why MUST we prove that we are correct?

Does it come out of a place of love?

I think unfortunately it does.

Unfortunately with the wrong approach

Everyone’s forgotten that we used to disagree all the time

but because its through a screen, its somehow unacceptable

Cancel culture is real.

And I don’t even mean deplatforming a certified profile.

The same people who hate cancel culture, the ones who believe everyone should have the freedom to voice their opinions and not be shamed for whatever the remark, are the same people who are cancelling their own friendships because they won’t agree with what their own friends have to say!

I don’t know how I should think anymore.

I’m abstaining from viewing

How can I sympathise when there is still a whole broken world out there that doesn’t exist in the form of technology. Real war, modern day genocide, a country that has no vocabulary for the word love!

We must be so privileged that we can forget

Life is easy but we make it difficult

I’m officially lost

There’s too much I don’t know

but enough to know this is bigger than anything we can grasp our heads around

So for now

i’m checking out

and will try to raise positive vibrations

Just not in the digital world

In the real world

Its still here

I love it

I miss everyone in it

But for now, I’m kind of liking no mans land

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