Fast technology like fasting food

Now it seems the whole world is pretty up to date with the term fasting or intermittent fasting. A lot of people do this for weight and health reason, as you should. And contrary to marketing, it is beneficial to skip a meal every now and again to let your body reset. Let’s face it, we all know that it is unnatural to be stuffing our faces from the moment we wake to the moment we sleep again. When we sleep and take a break from eating, your liver finally has a chance to rest after working all day long to clean out the crap we’ve been intoxicating ourselves with but then when we awaken and do it all over again, we basically put our liver into overdrive again to fix the problems we’ve created. Its hard to understand it when we don’t see the affects of it until after the fact but we have enough research and have underwent enough human trials showing how it affects us physically and mentally to know that the sleeping fasted window isn’t enough. Some people even go to the extremes and do a prolonged fast to get the full extend of the benefits.

When you do a prolonged fast, your body goes through a phase called autophagy which basically means in the simplest explanation, your body is so starving that it starts eating away at all the bad cells in your body. The ultimate clean out. Its basically a refresh button for your whole system.

So why don’t we ever do this with technology? We know too much of anything is bad for us. We know technology is unnatural and we are constantly surrounded by it. We know all the many bad affects that come with being on social media or glued to a screen for so long can have. So why don’t we ever think to fast from it? Refresh and clean out the system. Like the overconsumption of food and never letting our system take a break, we won’t always know when its affecting us in a bad way until maybe after the fact.

Sure we need our devices and it is safer for us to have them but just like the necessity for food, we can get away with taking a few breaks every now and again. Even just exercising being away from technology less. Like instead of having your phone be the first thing you think about and address in the morning, do whatever you were going to do after that first. Make your bed, go to the toilet, brush your teeth, stretch, etc. Then go to your phone. You could take bigger breaks like when you’re on a retreat or go camping. Think about every time you’ve lost reception when you’re out somewhere. Did you get by? I’m sure you did. So why not create that fasted state manually.

Even when we aren’t interacting with them, we are surrounded by them constantly. Its so normal for us now but theres something still eerie and unnatural about it to me. I do and recommend putting the phone on do not disturb throughout the night while sleeping. What use do you need it for when you’re sleeping anyway? If you use an alarm, that will still work. If you do get a call or text, you’ll see it in a few hours anyway. Its a start… Don’t be a slave to your devices.

Anyway, just some technology for thought.

Hah. Get it?


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