Everyone. Every single human. Some obviously have ones that are better than others but at the end of the day we are all addicted to something. I think I understand it as being more than having an attachment to the thing we’re addicted to but just being addicted in itself. Let me elaborate…
I think that something familiar, repetitive and comfortable is what we all really strive for whether we like it or not. Its imbedded in our DNA to prefer a structure, a narrative or just as simple as something we can count on to reoccur.
If what I am saying is true and we are all addicted to something, then maybe some people just found a better thing to be addicted to than others. Meaning, if you’re addicted to something that isn’t beneficial like sugar, social media, cigarettes, etc. – why not try to get addicted to something healthy instead, like exercise, learning a new instrument, playing sport, etc etc.
Replace one addiction with another. Yeah sure, its all easier said than done right? Maybe. Maybe not. Its so easy for us humans to get stuck in a gear, doing without thinking, living without being present and accepting a rhythm and acting without feeling a sense of purpose. I’ve definitely been there before. Being so indulged in something that you actually can’t see it until you’re out of it looking back. We get so lazy. We don’t give ourselves enough credit and we tell a lie that we’re too far gone, theres no point in changing now, its not as bad as what they are doing so I can keep doing what i’m doing. And yet when those who do overcome the voice in our head telling us to accept the way things are instead of striving for better, are always feel better off.
We all know what’s good for us but why do we give in and not aim for improvement? Because it’s harder. Its the easy way out and if we start holding ourselves accountable then we have every reason to be upset with ourselves whenever we fall short. So I guess its easier to just not try at all, or do the minimum and call it enough. This is not how it is supposed to be. We’re so comfortable and so privileged that hard work is an option, not as necessity. All the hard work of our ancestors has turned in on itself. We have done so well, worked so hard to have the necessities of shelter, food, clothing, warmth; that now we want more. We have become greedy and fat when there was a time we would have killed to be just comfortable or fed. Where does it end? If we don’t start recognising the faults, seeing how an influx of unnecessary advertisements (I’m talking to you 30-days of Maccas deals & Black Friday sales we didn’t know we wanted until we saw it) that just feed our bottomless pit of cravings and wants can be detrimental to our future then we will only keep getting more greedy, more fat, more lazy. Supporting the system, feeding the big guy’s on top and putting our money into their pockets all while they sit and laugh as they watch us turn on ourselves without even noticing.
Our health and wellbeing is and should always be number one. Not our status and not the things we own. We get one lifetime. One chance to be the best version of ourselves and to take advantage of the things we are so blessed to have access to. Support yourself, not the industry. You can’t put a price on your vessel. You only have one. Its the only thing that remains with you from day one of life to day none. Learn to love it, learn to respect it and nurture it. Don’t give in to toxic distractions some assholes on top decided they were going to tempt you with so they can profit.
You’re going to fall short, of course. We’re imperfect and that’s beautiful. That’s the whole point! We need to be imperfect, we need room for improvement and something to strive for. It’s not supposed to be easy and once everyone sees that, we can really start tuning into our true selves and living the way we were destined, not programmed. If you know it’s bad, quit. If you know it’s good, start. No if’s, and’s or but’s! Give yourself more credit, you are human and you are wonderful designed. You have so much power over yourself, so listen to your true self and don’t give in. Be better than you were yesterday and never stop advancing. You will always wish you had done more, you will always wish you did better, so at least know you tried!
**I also want to fully admit and let it be known that my biggest addiction is food and I try to combat the downsides of this addiction by being as active as possible and intermittent fasting here and there. We all have our thing…
Peace <3